Chinese AstrologyChinese New Year

Shen Sha 12 Zodiac Forecast

The Wood Dragon Year Jia Chen started on February 10, 2024, and will continue until January 28, 2025. This year marks the beginning of a new 10-year cycle, bringing opportunities for growth, change, and transformation.

The Dragon zodiac has a special significance in Chinese culture. Symbolically, it represents luck, power, and success. People born in the Dragon years (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, and 2024) may share these qualities.


Contrary to popular belief, the Dragon Qi may present certain challenges to those who were born in the Dragon years. This is especially true for people who were born in 1964, sixty years ago, as the annual pillar in their BaZi is the same as the annual pillar for 2024.

When the Tai Sui (Grand Duke) multiplies the Qi which a person carries in their annual pillar, things happen. Auspicious or not, the events cannot go unnoticed. In any case, when the new sixty-year cycle begins, changes will have to be made. For a detailed forecast, we need to assess all four pillars, as well as the current luck cycle, and the annual Qi.

Based on the character of the annual pillar Jia Chen, we can deduce that this year is about showing leadership qualities and being active. The Yang Wood heavenly stem Jia sitting on the Dragon Earth Chen is a symbol of a big tree. It is about strength, productivity, and benevolence. Improving personal productivity and showing initiative could become the key to success.

People may start re-discovering their personal history and re-evaluating their cultural roots so that they can keep growing and developing new algorithms of survival. This year is also about appreciating the land and its resources in a culturally meaningful way.

The future is already here. The year of Jia Chen is the time to embrace it.

Shen Sha is a traditional way of calculating annual luck. It was used by the old masters when most people did not know their date and time of birth. The old Masters used only the year of birth pillar to make a prediction. In conjunction with palmistry, face-reading, and Yijing the readings could still be detailed.

Let us have a look at what the Year of the Wood Dragon has in store for different zodiac signs.

Rat1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020

If you were born in the Year of the Rat, you’re already fortunate!

Your combination of resilience and exceptional intelligence sets you up for success. During the Wood Dragon year, you’ll find numerous opportunities to prosper and enhance your status. Whether you’re considering a career change or applying for a study grant, luck will be on your side.

The Tai Ji Nobleman will provide unwavering support, making academic success and positive developments in your love life likely.

However, be mindful of your dangerously charming nature, especially with the influence of the Peach Blossom star this year. To stay out of trouble, avoid casual involvements and steer clear of nightclubs or similar places. If you’re single, there’s a chance for you to meet someone special.

Make sure you take a balanced approach to work, play, and life in general.

Avoid overconfidence and pushiness to prevent disagreements. Instead, focus on learning, preparation, and strategic thinking.

As a born leader, take charge and make the most of the opportunities that come your way during the Wood Dragon year! 🐉✨

Ox1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021

Let’s delve into the insights for the Ox during the Wood Dragon year. This year brings a chance for you to gain recognition and improve your financial situation. Consider making important changes, such as finding a new job or starting a new business.

Whether you choose to stay at home or travel, there will always be someone willing to assist you. While striving for success, be cautious not to feel isolated and disconnected.

Try to maintain friendships and other vital relationships, even if it feels challenging. Being patient under stressful conditions is your forte.

Whenever possible, visit your elderly relatives, especially if they are frail or in poor health. Show them your love and support during their time of need.

Remember, the Ox has unique strengths and challenges during this auspicious year. Embrace the new opportunities, stay connected, and make informed decisions! 🐂🌟

Tiger1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

During the Wood Dragon Year, there will be many opportunities for you to prosper. Elders or superiors will enhance your financial luck this year.

Act upon their advice, even if you don’t see immediate results; it will benefit you in the long term.

An opportunity arises to make changes in your career, such as relocating or changing your professional direction. If you’re a business owner, revise your products and services. Reassess what you offer and make necessary changes. The Wood Dragon year is the right time for adjustments; you’ll reap rewards in the upcoming years.

Be extra cautious when working with power tools or handling knives in the kitchen. Safeguard your personal and bank details.

Rabbit – 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023

Let’s explore the insights for the Rabbit during the Wood Dragon year:

Starting from February 4, the Rabbit zodiac is out of the limelight. Finally, Rabbits can relax and be their true selves—fluffy, cute creatures who love their privacy.

After all the pressures of 2023, it’s a well-deserved break for Rabbits. During the Wood Dragon year, consider healing any emotional wounds you may have or get a full health check-up.

Avoid pressure, whether personal or professional. Seek advice rather than handling things alone. This isn’t the year to test your luck.

Examine your financial health during the Wood Dragon year. Get ready for additional expenses.

Instead of traveling to faraway destinations, it’s better to stay closer to home. Handle dangerous items with extra care.

Dragon – 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024

Welcome to the Stage! You’re a superstar admired for your talents, creativity, and looks.

Still, it could be a good idea to tone down your temperament at home or at work to prevent misunderstandings. Putting on a show is your element, make sure it’s not too noisy for those in the audience.

If you’re interested in studying metaphysics, this year is the perfect time to start. Follow your passion and choose whether to delve into Feng Shui, BaZi, Yijing, or any other esoteric discipline.

Your love luck is on your side; don’t be too shy. There’s a good chance of being admired by someone special. Ladies, this could also be a good year to get married, although it may come with the price tag of self-punishment.

Since this is your ‘offending Tai Sui’ year, avoiding stress completely may not be possible. Take it as part of the journey and gracefully accept life’s lessons. Being extra careful could help prevent injuries and accidents, so take your time when making important decisions.

Embrace the spotlight, follow your passions, and navigate the year with wisdom! 🐉🌟

Snake – 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2011 2013

Let’s explore the insights for the Snake during the Wood Dragon year:

Naturally Graceful and Wise as a Snake, you possess natural grace and wisdom. During the Wood Dragon year, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to chill out, roll in the sand, and enjoy the scenery.

You may start looking forward to happy events, such as weddings or anniversaries. Romantic situations or love at first sight may also come your way. Auspicious Qi surrounds you, bringing wealth, luck, and career advancements.

You can make new friends in high-up places. It’s a good year to apply for professional licenses, seek grants, or start a research degree.

Protecting Against Losses. Be cautious of the Robbery Sha, which symbolizes losses. Safeguard your passwords, assets, and valuables.

Setting high standards is commendable but be prepared for challenges. The Wood Dragon year brings obstacles, but you’re a fighter and a problem solver.

The annual lucky stars, such as Sky Happiness and the Sun, are looking after you. Embrace the new opportunities with wisdom, resilience, and a sharp eye for details! 🐍🌟

Horse1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

If you haven’t won the lottery until now, fear not! This year, you are the true winner, no matter what happens! During the Wood Dragon year, you’ll bask in good fortune and experience increased status.

Here’s what awaits you: respect and support from colleagues and support from your family in all your endeavours. The Romance star makes you even more attractive. If you’re married, things may get a bit complicated. Your standout nature could attract envy and gossip. Don’t worry, the gossipers are your most dedicated followers and admirers. Let them be.

Be cautious about errors in important documents; miscommunication or litigation could result.

Watch out for incidents related to Fire and Water. Ensure your home safety and take necessary precautions to avoid injuries.

Keep an eye on your diet and fitness. Avoid attending funerals and hospitals if possible.

Any inauspiciousness you encounter this year will be cushioned.

Embrace the year with confidence, resilience, and enjoy your well-deserved victories! 🐎🌟

Goat1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015

The Year of the Wood Dragon promises many blessings for those born under the Goat zodiac sign.

Here’s what awaits you.

You’ll receive support from your superiors. Ladies are especially lucky, enjoying both higher earnings and additional support from their husbands or male bosses.

If you work in a beauty-oriented industry (such as modelling, fashion, design, photography, or decoration), you’ll be looked after by the Moon star. This will contribute to your financial and career success.

The Wood Dragon brings mobility into your lifestyle. Whether you choose to travel for work or leisure, luck will be on your side, even in challenging circumstances.

This year, you can enjoy an increase in status by embracing out-of-the-range opportunities.

What may be unsuitable for others could prove to be a golden chance for you to grow professionally and prosper long term.

Monkey1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Are you a student? If you’ve been contemplating continuing your education, now is the time to enrol! The Year of the Wood Dragon brings academic luck to your door—enjoy it! But there are strings attached: you must have the right mentor or supervisor to benefit. Choose wisely.

For hardworking Monkeys, this year carries rewardsrecognition, and promotion. This is especially true for public sector employees. Monkeys in politics should prepare for major changes and restructuring.

If you work in a corporate environment, be mindful of envygossip, and backstabbing. Watch your back. Carrying a personal talisman is highly recommended. For the best results, your talisman should align with the religious beliefs of your ancestors.

Avoid gambling or lending large sums this year. Instead of lending, gift what you can comfortably afford to spend.

And here’s the intriguing part: being attractive and charming as you are, in the Year of the Wood Dragon, it would be easy to find a soulmate, especially if you’re single. However, married people need to be mindful of the consequences, such as scandal or even breaking up.

This year, seize the opportunity to make improvements to your lifestyle and fitness while enjoying good health! 🐒🌟

Rooster1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Just think of it: is it possible to feel at peace these days? Yes, it’s possible, but for many.

But you, out of all the troublemakers who wake people up in the early hours of the morning, are a picture of tranquillity. How can you do this?

In the Year of the Wood Dragon, you radiate health. It’s not because you’re happier than others; rather, it’s your strength and courage that generate success. Good on you!

You’ll enjoy good money luck. There’s a strong possibility of receiving a promotion. Your superiors will provide support and encouragement, and they might even introduce you to someone of high status. Whenever possible, attend business networking events. Be mindful of other people’s views, as people can get easily offended these days.

However, there are a couple of things to be mindful of in the next twelve months. Be careful when dealing with sharp objects. Stay out of fights and arguments, especially if you’re intoxicated. Safeguard your assets and valuables.

The Year of the Wood Dragon isn’t ideal for invasive procedures unless necessary. Plastic surgery should be avoided. Try to steer clear of hospitals and cemeteries if you can.

And here’s the exciting part: your love luck is strong! If you were planning to find someone special for a long-term relationship, there’s a strong chance for this to happen in 2024.

Embrace the year with poise, caution, and an open heart! 🐓🌟

Dog1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

During the Year of the Wood Dragon, your luck is on steroids. This is the year of change, and you won’t be able to sit still even if you want to.

In this world of conflicting opposites, the theory of Yin and Yang explains the ongoing battle. When Yang increases to a maximum, Yin starts growing. What does it mean for your annual forecast?

It’s a mixed bag of Luck: one day, you may feel blessed and successful. The next day, you may feel stuck and trapped. Both feelings are real, both could be true, and you’ll just need to learn how to keep the middle ground in every situation.

Remember the old Chinese saying: “You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair.”

Here’s what’s in your mixed bag of luck this year:

Luck in promotion, excellent business opportunities, and networking. Meeting people of high status paves the way to your bright future. You may switch to a different career.

Opportunities to move into a new property or even relocate may arise. An urge to travel to distant lands could also manifest.

While enjoying multiple changes, be careful while driving and prioritize a full health check. Safety should be your priority in every decision.

Manage your investment portfolio and finances with utmost care to prevent losses. Avoid gambling and speculation.

Embrace the year with adaptability, caution, and a willingness to seize opportunities! Stay safe!🐕🌟

Pig1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Your Wood Dragon annual luck ticks all the boxes. Well, almost:

  • Academic Luck: Yes!
  • Marriage Luck: Yes!
  • Money Luck: Yes!
  • Career Opportunities: Yes!

For Pigs in power and politics, this year is particularly auspicious Congratulations!

Now, here’s the small print. There could be unforeseen circumstances or sudden danger. Always have a plan B. Check if your house is flood- and fireproof; you may need to deal with hazardous conditions.

While your health may be strong, don’t push yourself to the limit. Both your physical and mental states need attention. Beware of psychological damage from work-related stress; take it easy.

Lower your expectations to prevent disappointment. Remember, nobody is perfect, but everyone has something to smile about.

Manage your investment portfolio and finances with care. Avoid gambling 🐖🌟



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