
International Feng Shui Convention 2018 – Okayama Japan FSML Snaps from the 15th IFSC in December 2018

The 15th annual  International Feng Shui Convention (IFSC) was recently held in Okayama Japan.  The theme for this year was Feng Shui – Ancient Science vs Future Science.  

FSML was one of the sponsors for this 2 day event and we were there to capture some of the highlights for our readers

Since 2004 the Singapore based International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) has organised an International Feng Shui Convention (IFSC) each year to promote Feng Shui awareness within the general public.

IFSC 2018 PDF Program
IFSC 2018 PDF Program

During these annual events, many prestigious Feng Shui practitioners worldwide are invited to present during the two day event. The IFSC features some of the the world’s most respected Feng Shui masters and experts from allied disciplines, such as BaZi, Qi Men Dun Jia, Zi Wei Dou Shu and I Ching. Their insightful Feng Shui lectures aim to educate and share their profound knowledge and experience with the delegates.

The annual event facilitates the sharing and discussion of Chinese Metaphysics experience and knowledge among enthusiasts and practitioners of various levels and schools. Through this event, IFSA seeks to develop the global appreciation of Feng Shui as an art and metaphysical science. The event also includes more technical lectures plus pre and post-convention classes aimed at improving delegate’s professional Feng Shui skills.

In 2019 the 16th annual IFSC returns to Singapore and is scheduled for the 9th and 10th of November, so stay tuned via the IFSA Facebook page for more details!



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