Feng Shui Collection

Sha Ch’i 5 ways to Avoid Negative Energy

Feng Shui has been established throughout China for thousands of years. it is not superstition but an ancient scientific study of the living environment around us following on from Edition 2 , in which we focused on Ch’i energy Man-Ho Kwaok takes a look at negative Ch’i or Sha and explains how to counteract it’s harmful effects

In order to improve our living conditions so that we achieve the optimum level of comfort and safety, we need to work within the magnetic field that occurs naturally around all living things.

This is known as ch’i energy and when combined with the study of the Five Elements and an individual’s horoscope, is also known as yang feng shui, or the study of feng shui for the living. Ch’i however, is not always beneficial as Sha Ch’i or Sha can often cause much damage.

When studying feng shui, there are two types of sha (which can mean uneasy, threatened, flushed against) energy to consider. The first is yin sha (visible causes) and the other being Sha Ch’i (invisible causes).


Yin sha can be classed as a threat that is caused by the sharp corners of buildings, lamp posts or huge trees often blocking your vision or your path. These threats have the effect of a sharp cutting blade which unbalances the yin and yang.

Sha Ch’i , even though invisible and difficult to detect, will often make you feel uneasy. For instance, on entering a building you may suddenly feel something isn’t quite right and feel threatened by it. Furthermore, because the design and construction of certain buildings may be defective in terms of the feng shui, it could badly affect anyone who lives or works within it.

For instance, unfortunate things will keep happening to the occupants with no visible reason or known cause, which most people would simply put down to bad luck. However, with feng shui, this can be ‘cured’.

Griffith University Australia Gold Coast Campus

Correcting Problems

It is easier to understand the effects of yin sha. For example, when you look out of your front door or windows and you can see:

  1. The corner of building across the road directly facing you. In feng shui, it is called tsim kwok cheung sher.
  2. Fan kun sha (anti-bow position), this worsens if you have a lamp post outside your house which acts like a bow and arrow shooting at you all the time. With this kind of yin sha, a car will be more likely to skid towards your house around a bend causing an accident.
  3. When facing a T-junction yin sha has the effect of a sharp blade or spear pointing towards your house and is similar to the effect caused by the corner of a house mentioned above.
  4. Tien cham sha, occurs when facing a narrow alleyway with two tall buildings at either side. In this case the sha is ‘compressed’ by the buildings.
  5. Lien doo sha, facing the outer curve of a road or fly-over will have the same effect as fan hun sha. The above are a few examples of bad feng shui caused by yin sha.Ch’i sha can be generated indirectly by yin sha. For instance, anyone can see the ytn sha of a huge tree facing the front door. In feng shui terms it is a disadvantage because it effects the career and future of the house
    occupants by creating more ytn (negative), hence unbalancing the yin and yang and creating Sha Ch’i. Occupants of such properties are likely to be down and depressed. The house owner may even experience a nervous disorder or a breakdown at some stage.

Therefore, Sha Ch’i and yin sha are very closely related in feng shui and can be regarded as one and the same. Feng means air, and is invisible yet detectable. Shui on the other hand, means water, but both are the fundamental elements for the survival of plants and animals.

Feng must be encouraged to flow freely and smoothly by removing any unnecessary obstructions or partitions within a house because better circulation of air means better health and higher spirits.

In the front and back garden try to keep all plants and shrubs at a distance from the house if they reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the premises and the interior of your house will be dark and damp, creating more yin (negative) energy than is necessary. To make sure this doesn’t
occur, keep the plants at a reasonable distance by maintaining a balance of plants (in this sense yin) and sunlight (yang). The outer configuration mirrors the inner situation.

Beware of too much sunlight filtering through, as occurs for instance in semi-detached or detached houses with too many windows or doors. The owner’s wife could also experience frequent headaches, and many arguments may erupt all because of the unbalancing of yin and yang.

This can be called Sha Ch’i, or unlucky Ch’i. In order to get a more balancedyin and yang you need lucky Ch’i, without Sha.

There are quite a few ways to rectify the situation if there is too much yin. But how about too much yang? One solution is to build a fountain or fish pond in the forecourt but make sure the pond is not too close to the front door of the house. The water in the pond must be constantly moving.

Because water is yin it can be used to balance excess yang caused by too much sunlight. Using water in the garden can also increase the chances of a financial windfall for the owners of the house. You should not locate a pond in either the South-west or North-east sector of the garden, or in front of the garden fence, or the owner and the occupants of the house may be involved in a nasty accident





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