
from the publisher Edition 4

Feng Shui for Modern Living Vol 1 Ed 4

In this issue our celebrities Jean Boht and Carl Davies show what can be done with a few small changes to the feng shui in your home. Internationally this issue covers Singapore, where feng shui is a very important part of all large shopping centres and developments, and the new Getty Museum in the States. Gardening focuses on water features.

Lillian Too starts a new series on auspicious interior decorating and we examine the use of feng shui in even the largest corporations with a study of how British Airways has improved the feng shui of its head office.

This issue also gives us a foretaste of the Forbidden City in Beijing, which acts as an introduction to a larger, more detailed study of the feng shui of the heart of imperial China.
For me, the last few weeks have been spent in a flurry of visits. First to New York, where our distributors said that Feng Shui for Modern Living was the best-received import magazine they had ever handled. Whilst there we also visited the truly impressive design studios of Clodagh (in SoHo) who uses feng shui principles throughout her work. Among other projects, at present she is working on redesigning the 56 Elizabeth Arden salons. Felissimo, a department store in a converted town house which Clodagh designed, will be featured in a future issue. We also met with Pun Yin the feng shui master who has worked on the Trump Tower.

Back in Europe, we were off to Germany next to attend the well-organised Dragon & Phoenix Congress in Starnberg, near Munich, run by Andreas Hagar. In addition to meeting Andreas, a number of other old friends were encountered and new contacts made. Jami Lin was in good form and in high spirits, whilst meeting again with Denise Linn and our newest contributor, Angel Thompson, was a great pleasure.

For me one of the high spots was spending time with an old friend, Georg Graf Thurn-Valsassina, who had been my host on one of the earliest European conferences on feng shui. This took place in his Schloss in Austria in 1982, on the occasion of the translation of my first feng shui book into German. George now works in an architectural practice which specialises in buildings built in a way that is sympathetic to feng shui principles.

Also present at the Congress were Roger Green, David Kennedy, Dr Jes Lim, Professor Lin Yun, Nancy SantoPietro, Lillian Too, Derek Walters, Master Yap Cheng Hai and Master Yap Leong. Hans-Jörg Müller and Dieter Kugler lectured on Western geomancy and dowsing. It was a most auspicious event, turn out was good and about 500 people attended the conference.



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