Your Comments

Letters Edition 3

Get A Job

I am presently studying in France and will be graduating soon. I would like some tips on how to improve my chances of getting my ideal job. I am living in a single room in student accommodation. I know I should place an aquarium to improve my luck, but where should I place it?

Anna Ha, Paris, France

Yes, using an aquarium to improve your career prospects is an excellent feng shui solution. This should be placed in the North of your room. Alternatively you can incorporate items reflecting the Water Element, such as wallpaper, drapes and rugs in a shade of blue into this corner. Good luck with the job hunting!

Case Study Requests


We have just finished reading your magazine and thoroughly enjoyed it. We were interested in the case studies’ section and wondered whether you had considered performing consultations on readers’ homes. We have been considering a consultation for some time and would welcome the opportunity to allow your magazine into our home.

T & A Osborne, Wolverhampton, UK

Thank you very much for your letter. As I am sure you will appreciate, we are constantly approached with case study ideas from people who have already had a consultation on their home or those who are considering using feng shui. Although we welcome case study ideas from our readers, at the moment we are inundated, and may take some time to explore all the requests. Alternatively if you are considering a feng shui consultation, you may wish to approach one of the many feng shui consultants mentioned in the magazine.

Which Direction?

Thank you for such an interesting magazine. I am very confused by the difference between Traditional and Black Hat Sect feng shui. With orientation so crucial for a proper reading, how can the two be reconciled?

S Valentine, Chiswick, UK

There are many different schools of feng shui and each school has a slightly different approach although the basics are the same. Traditional Chinese Form, Landscape and Compass schools are the most widespread worldwide. Black Hat Sect (BHS) feng shui is a recent development, but widely practised 
in the USA. Rather than using the traditional feng shui compass to determine Directions, BHS feng shui judges directions from the position of the door in each room. This can give apparently inconsistent results for adjacent rooms. The beginners page in the last issue of this magazine gives a breakdown of each school of thought.

Feng Shui Solutions

I have had problems with both my health and career this last year, and feel a consultation with a qualified feng shui expert would be beneficial. Are you able to recommend someone who would travel to my area, and can you give me any idea of cost and time involved?

A Onions, York, UK

Before approaching a feng shui consultant, maybe you would want to consider applying your own feng shui remedies. One way to help improve your career is to analyse the feng shui at work. Take a look at last month’s corporate section. With regards to your health, try enhancing your Health Corner by placing a healthy plant or wooden object in the East side of your home. If you want to contact a feng shui consultant, there are several consultants that we could recommend from our Panel. You may wish to contact The Geomancer for general enquiries and consultations.

Which Direction?

Thank you for such an interesting magazine. I am very confused by the difference between Traditional and Black Hat Sect feng shui. With orientation so crucial for a proper reading, how can the two be reconciled?

S Valentine, Chiswick, UK

There are many different schools of feng shui and each school has a slightly different approach although the basics are the same. Traditional Chinese Form, Landscape and Compass schools are the most widespread worldwide. Black Hat Sect (BHS) feng shui is a recent development, but widely practised 
in the USA. Rather than using the traditional feng shui compass to determine Directions, BHS feng shui judges directions from the position of the door in each room. This can give apparently inconsistent results for adjacent rooms. The beginners page in the last issue of this magazine gives a breakdown of each school of thought.

Healthy Days

This letter concerns my son, Kim, who is very ill and who lives in a house looking onto a churchyard. Since leaving home and moving into the house in July, his health has deteriorated and his energy has hit an all-time low. Reading your magazine has made me wonder about the negative energy in his house and how this is affecting him. I am also finding it impossible to sell this house. Can you help?

S Hutchinson, Shropshire, UK

Based on feng shui principles, it is not very auspicious to live near churches where burials have taken place or graveyards which generate a lot of yin or negative energy. More so if someone is suffering from ill health, as the yin energy will tend to overwhelm their well-being. To nullify this excessive yin energy, try to balance the house with lots of yang or positive energy. If possible, use plenty of lights, paint the front door red and have red curtains in the house with music on during the day to bring life into the atmosphere. The garden should have plenty of plants with red flowers or red leaves to surround the house with positive energy. Ideally, Kim’s bed head should be aligned to point to his sheng ch’i or better still his tien yi direction which happens to be North-east. These Directions can be calculated by a feng shui practitioner from his birthdate.

D.I.Y. Feng Shui

I have just finished reading your magazine and really enjoyed it. However, I find myself at the lower end of the earnings bracket, and I could not help noticing your magazine appears to be geared for ‘up-market’ clientele. Could you please suggest some ‘D.I.Y.’ feng shui tips, explaining how to apply feng shui principles to what I already own.

P Robinson, Sunderland, UK

You do not need to spend a fortune applying feng shui principles to your home. To begin with you can simply clear any clutter that you have causing bad feng shui. Also learning the basics of feng shui will show you how you can rearrange your home and apply feng shui remedies. We continuously incorporate design tips into the magazine together with great shopping ideas and thoughts on the use of colour in your home.



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