As sure as the wind blows and the sun shines, Ch’i flows through our lives. Ch’i is the breath of life and the essential energy which flows through our bodies and through our homes and…
Edition : Volume 1 No 2
16 Great Ideas for Clearing Clutter Decluttering Tips and Storage Solutions
Spring is in the air so now is the ideal time to clear the clutter, pack away those winter woollies and generally store anything that hasn’t already got a home t seems the more we…
The Palace of Versailles Louis XIV's most famous creation comes under the feng shui microscope
Versailles, one of the grandest and most opulent palaces in Europe, was constructed in the marshy Galie Valley. The site was chosen for many reasons, few of them practical, but for over 150 years the…
The Chinese Almanac Part 2
We continue the series of articles which will decipher the mysteries of the Chinese Almanac with the help of Man-Ho Kwok he second page of the Almanac is a key page for feng shui practitioners,…
Feng Shui Basics Part 2
We know that feng shui is a complicated subject, so we have prepared an easy-to-follow guide to get you started eng Shui means Wind and Water, but in its wider sense stands for the relations…