Author: Richard Creightmore

Richard Creightmore has been working as a professional geomancer since 1986. His geomantic background includes an M.A. in geography (Oxford 1980), training in dowsing, classical Feng Shui, sacred space design, and extensive journeys into the geomantic traditions and landscapes of Britain, China, India and Aboriginal Australia. His medical background includes a degree in acupuncture (ICOM East Grinstead 1985), and training in herbal medicine, qi gong, and cranio-sacral therapy. Richard has been active in curriculum and educational standards development and a registered tutor and consultant with the British Society of Dowsers and the Feng Shui Society (U.K.); a Visiting Lecturer in Geomancy and Geopathic Stress at the University of Westminster, Department of Complementary Medicine; and a principal of Beech Hill College / Land and Spirit in Sussex, U.K. He consults and teaches in Sussex and worldwide, specialising in medical geomancy and earth acupuncture to resolve geopathic stress. He is the author of ‘Feng Shui’, Wooden Books, 2011.